Manuscript Details - IJARW1543

ManuScript Details
Paper Id: IJARW1543
Published in: International Journal Of All Research Writings
Publisher: IJARW
ISSN: 2582-1008
Volume / Issue: Volume 3 Issue 5
Pages: 5
Published On: 11/26/2021 9:38:19 PM      (MM/dd/yyyy)
Main Author Details
Name: Alukuru Harsitha
Institute: Dr.Ntr university of Health and medical sciences
Co - Author Details
Author Name Author Institute
Dr.Badari Narayana Dr.Ntr university of Health and medical sciences
Dr.Ch.Sridurga Dr.Ntr university of Health and medical sciences
Dr.G.Ramesh Babu Dr.Ntr university of Health and medical sciences
Research Area: Medicine
KeyWord: Rakta Pradara, Paradantaka Yoga, Clinical evaluation.
Abstract: Rakta Pradara can be correlated with abnormal uterine bleeding especially Menorrhagia and Metrorrhagia on basis of pathogenesis and symptoms. It may involve anatomical or functional abnormality. If not treated, it can lead to some major ailments like malignancy, infertility etc.These days 40% of women visiting gynaecologists are suffering from this complaint. It is commonly prevalent from the age of 25 to 45 years. Treatment with modern medicines reduces the excessive blood loss by only 50% and up to 50% of women under go hysterectomy i.e. surgical treatment with in next five years. But, none of the treatment provides complete cure in spite of high cost and side effects. There are various formulations mentioned for treatment of Rakta Pradara, Hence, the present study is under taken to find a complete and safe solution for Rakta Pradara through Ayurveda.The ingredients present in the Pradarantaka Yoga are Gairika and Amalaki Swarasa. Observations: Quantity of menstrual bleeding: Out of 30 patients, 27 patients were having profuse bleeding with a mean initial score of 1.97 which was reduced to 0.60 after treatment. Interval of menstruation cycle: Out of 30 patients, 29 patients were having irregular interval of menstruation with a mean initial score of 1.90 which was reduced to 0.70 after treatment. Conclusion:Results are shown in this clinical study are statistically significant to cure Rakta pradara. Statistical analysis is carried out using “Analysis tool pack Add-in of Microsoft Excel-2019”and“Graphpad Prism Vesion-9.Paired‘t’ test is used. Grades of symptoms before and after treatment were paired at a constant ‘n’ value.
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Alukuru Harsitha, Dr.Badari Narayana, Dr.Ch.Sridurga, Dr.G.Ramesh Babu, "A CLINICAL STUDY OF PRADARANTAKA YOGA", International Journal Of All Research Writings, vol. 3, no. 5, pp. 43-47, 2021.
MLA Alukuru Harsitha, Dr.Badari Narayana, Dr.Ch.Sridurga, Dr.G.Ramesh Babu "A CLINICAL STUDY OF PRADARANTAKA YOGA." International Journal Of All Research Writings, vol 3, no. 5, 2021, pp. 43-47.
APA Alukuru Harsitha, Dr.Badari Narayana, Dr.Ch.Sridurga, Dr.G.Ramesh Babu (2021). A CLINICAL STUDY OF PRADARANTAKA YOGA. International Journal Of All Research Writings, 3(5), 43-47.
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