Manuscript Details - IJARW1234

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Paper Id: IJARW1234
Published in: International Journal Of All Research Writings
Publisher: IJARW
ISSN: 2582-1008
Volume / Issue: Volume 1 Issue 11
Pages: 5
Published On: 5/17/2020 10:18:15 PM      (MM/dd/yyyy)
Main Author Details
Institute: B. D. College of Engineering, sevagram, District Wardha Maharashtra, India
Co - Author Details
Author Name Author Institute
V.B. Lohakare B. D. College of Engineering, sevagram, District Wardha Maharashtra, India
V.B. Panghate B. D. College of Engineering, sevagram, District Wardha Maharashtra, India
A. S. Gohokar B. D. College of Engineering, sevagram, District Wardha Maharashtra, India
A. S Bitturwar B. D. College of Engineering, sevagram, District Wardha Maharashtra, India
A. V. Talwekar B. D. College of Engineering, sevagram, District Wardha Maharashtra, India
Research Area: Agricultural Engineering
KeyWord: trans-planter, upward-oriented.
Abstract: Manual method of seed planting, results in low seed placement, spacing efficiencies and serious back pain for the farmer which confines the size of field that can be planted. This study is focus on design and fabrication of a manually operated rice trans-planter for small scale Indian rice cultivators. This machine reduces labour cost and time to plant rice paddy. This machine has a simple mechanism and it is eco-friendly. Manually operated two row paddy transplanter was selected for the study and the male and female subjects selected randomly in the age group of 25-35 years operated it. More force in pulling the transplanter in forward direction is required by the subjects as compared to handle up and handle down operation. The average force required for pulling the transplanter was 130.32 and 145.12 N for male and female subjects, respectively. More force is required for female workers as compared to male workers because of males are taller and thus exerted a more upward-oriented force on the unit thus reducing the drag force on the runners. These problems can be solved with the help of proposed new design paddy planting machine. This proposed machine reduces labor cost and time to plant paddy. This machine has a simple mechanism and it is eco-friendly. This machine requires only a single person for its operation and working. This machine can bring revolution in rice production in our scenario. So, the main aim of this proposed work to design and develop a paddy planting machine which will help the farmers to make the whole paddy planting process mechanical resulting in reduction of labor, cost and time to a large extend. Presently the process is tedious, time consuming and health hazardous. After studying various available machines, the final machine had finalized considering all factors. The complete modelling, drafting, assembly and design of machine are done using CAD software AUTOCAD, CREO and CATIA. The model is prepared and analyzed for synchronous and fault free motion of components. Time study of the manual process was performed at the farm. On the basis of rate of plantation and cost of labour, the fabrication process, material and maximum cost of production were planned out. The material chosen considering weight and easy to maintain. The analysis of existing machine has been performed thoroughly.
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A.B.TUPKAR, V.B. Lohakare, V.B. Panghate, A. S. Gohokar, A. S Bitturwar , A. V. Talwekar, "AN APPROACH ON DEVELOPMENT OF RICE PLANTING MACHINE", International Journal Of All Research Writings, vol. 1, no. 11, pp. 128-132, 2020.
MLA A.B.TUPKAR, V.B. Lohakare, V.B. Panghate, A. S. Gohokar, A. S Bitturwar , A. V. Talwekar "AN APPROACH ON DEVELOPMENT OF RICE PLANTING MACHINE." International Journal Of All Research Writings, vol 1, no. 11, 2020, pp. 128-132.
APA A.B.TUPKAR, V.B. Lohakare, V.B. Panghate, A. S. Gohokar, A. S Bitturwar , A. V. Talwekar (2020). AN APPROACH ON DEVELOPMENT OF RICE PLANTING MACHINE. International Journal Of All Research Writings, 1(11), 128-132.
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