Manuscript Details - IJARW1362

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Paper Id: IJARW1362
Published in: International Journal Of All Research Writings
Publisher: IJARW
ISSN: 2582-1008
Volume / Issue: Volume 2 Issue 3
Pages: 3
Published On: 9/28/2020 9:46:17 PM      (MM/dd/yyyy)
Main Author Details
Name: Mr Himanshukumar P Parmar
Institute: S P University
Co - Author Details
Author Name Author Institute
Research Area: Languages and Literature
KeyWord: Technology, Dystopia, Innovation, Cloning, Consumerism
Abstract: Several technologies in the negative utopian novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, may look incredible, even in the radiance of the technical rise our society has made since the novel was written, though, some of the technologies just might seem common. Much of visualization of Huxley is by now harsh realism today. Human kind has already witnessed the growth of the basic principles apparent in the novel with themes like consumerism, cloning, government control, and drugs to make them contented. At the present, when a scientific revolution is discovered, people would turn to coming closer to the Brave New World. We are, nowadays, more cognizant of changes that technology brings upon us and try to identify its possible intimidation. It is the reason why there are always contrasting groups of some improvements, aiming to observe not only the positive sides but the negative sides of new technology. Several technologies in the negative utopian novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, may look incredible, even in the radiance of the technical rise our society has made since the novel was written, though, some of the technologies just might seem common. Much of visualization of Huxley is by now harsh realism today. Human kind has already witnessed the growth of the basic principles apparent in the novel with themes like consumerism, cloning, government control, and drugs to make them contented. At the present, when a scientific revolution is discovered, people would turn to coming closer to the Brave New World. We are, nowadays, more cognizant of changes that technology brings upon us and try to identify its possible intimidation. It is the reason why there are always contrasting groups of some improvements, aiming to observe not only the positive sides but the negative sides of new technology. Several technologies in the negative utopian novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, may look incredible, even in the radiance of the technical rise our society has made since the novel was written, though, some of the technologies just might seem common. Much of visualization of Huxley is by now harsh realism today. Human kind has already witnessed the growth of the basic principles apparent in the novel with themes like consumerism, cloning, government control, and drugs to make them contented. At the present, when a scientific revolution is discovered, people would turn to coming closer to the Brave New World. We are, nowadays, more cognizant of changes that technology brings upon us and try to identify its possible intimidation. It is the reason why there are always contrasting groups of some improvements, aiming to observe not only the positive sides but the negative sides of new technology. SrSeveral technologies in the negative utopian novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, may look incredible, even in the radiance of the technical rise our society has made since the novel was written, though, some of the technologies just might seem common. Much of visualization of Huxley is by now harsh realism today. Human kind has already witnessed the growth of the basic principles apparent in the novel with themes like consumerism, cloning, government control, and drugs to make them contented. At the present, when a scientific revolution is discovered, people would turn to coming closer to the Brave New World. We are, nowadays, more cognizant of changes that technology brings upon us and try to identify its possible intimidation. It is the reason why there are always contrasting groups of some improvements, aiming to observe not only the positive sides but the negative sides of new technology. Abstract: Several technologies in the negative utopian novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, may look incredible, even in the radiance of the technical rise our society has made since the novel was written, though, some of the technologies just might seem common. Much of visualization of Huxley is by now harsh realism today. Human kind has already witnessed the growth of the basic principles apparent in the novel with themes like consumerism, cloning, government control, and drugs to make them contented. At the present, when a scientific revolution is discovered, people would turn to coming closer to the Brave New World. We are, nowadays, more cognizant of changes that technology brings upon us and try to identify its possible intimidation. It is the reason why there are always contrasting groups of some improvements, aiming to observe not only the positive sides but the negative sides of new technology.
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Mr Himanshukumar P Parmar, "THE THREAT OF SCIENCE: "BRAVE NEW WORLD" VERSES TODAY", International Journal Of All Research Writings, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 119-121, 2020.
MLA Mr Himanshukumar P Parmar "THE THREAT OF SCIENCE: "BRAVE NEW WORLD" VERSES TODAY." International Journal Of All Research Writings, vol 2, no. 3, 2020, pp. 119-121.
APA Mr Himanshukumar P Parmar (2020). THE THREAT OF SCIENCE: "BRAVE NEW WORLD" VERSES TODAY. International Journal Of All Research Writings, 2(3), 119-121.
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